· Teaching staff = Mrs Preston, Mrs Mulholland, Miss McCullough, Mr Neill, Mr Bennett, Mr Whiteside & Mr Baines.
· Teaching time = 3 hours per week.
· Locations = M4, R9, R5, M6, M5 & R4.
Year 8 topics:
· Number and Algebra topics such as order of operations, percentages, ratio, simplifying expressions and solving equations.
· Geometry and Measures topics such as perimeter, area, volume, and angles.
· Handling Data topics such as representing data, calculating mode, median, mean and range.
Year 9 topics:
· Number and Algebra topics such as prime factor decomposition, indices, substitution, expanding brackets and factorising expressions.
· Geometry and Measures topics such as angles and parallel lines, polygons and congruence.
· Handling Data topics such as mean from a table, interpreting data and drawing a pie chart.
Year 10 topics:
· Number and Algebra topics such as significant figures, compound interest, lowest common multiple/highest common factor and solving equations with fractions.
· Geometry and Measures topics such as circles, speed/distance/time calculations and Pythagoras’ theorem.
· Handling Data topics such as estimating mean from a grouped frequency table, cumulative frequency curves and boxplots.
· Teaching staff = Mrs Preston, Mrs Mulholland, Miss McCullough, Mr Neill, Mr Bennett, Mr Whiteside & Mr Baines.
· Teaching time = 3 hours per week.
· Locations = M4, R9, R5, M6, M5 & R4.
Exam Board – CCEA.
Year 11 modules M2, M3, M4 – 45% of final grade.
Year 12 modules M6, M7, M8 – 55% of final grade.