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Types Of CA

The Controlled Assessment process has three stages in each subject:

  • task Setting

  • task Taking

  • task Marking

For each of the above stages, different levels of control are possible. These are
defined as:

  • high

  • medium 

  • low / limited

Task Setting 

  • A High Level of Control for Task Setting = The Exam Board sets the task(s)

  • A Medium Level of Control for Task Setting = The Exam Board provides a task(s) that can be adapted by the teacher.

  • A Low / Limited Level of Control for Task Setting = The teacher sets the task(s) according to criteria provided by the Exam Board.

Task Taking

  • A High Level of Control for Task Taking = Formal Supervision 

With this level of control, candidates’ work must be completed under direct supervision. This might be the candidates’ teacher or another person nominated by the centre. For most specifications, candidates do not have to complete their work in one sitting, unlike an external examination. Formal supervision usually happens during the final stages of the work when candidates write up the results of preparatory work or research and present the outcome for assessment. When this takes place over a number of sessions, candidates’ work will be collected, stored securely and redistributed as necessary.


  • A Medium Level of Control for Task Taking = Informal Supervision 

With this level of control, candidates can work on their own with some guidance by the teacher. In some subjects, for example Art and Design and Music, it may be necessary for candidates to complete part of the assessment outside the classroom. Whatever arrangements are made, the teacher or supervisor must be able to state that what each candidate has presented for assessment is the candidate’s own work. This can be assured by close supervision of portfolio work which may have been:

-  started in class and completed in the candidate’s own time, or
-  started outside the classroom and completed by the candidate in class.

In either case, the amount of work carried out during class time should be sufficient for the teacher or supervisor to determine each candidate’s capability in relation to what is presented for assessment. 

  • A Low Level of Control = Limited Supervision 

With this level of control, candidates undertake work without teacher supervision. Candidates may undertake research and preparatory work which will inform, but should not be included in, the final piece of work presented for assessment.

Task Marking

Most tasks for individual specifications are marked with a medium level of control. This means that the tasks are internally marked by the School and externally moderated by the Exam Board. There are some tasks within a small number of specifications which are marked with a high level of control. This means that the tasks are marked by the Exam Board.

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