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After The Exams


All Candidates receive a Statement of Entry from school indicating the subjects they are being entered for and the levels of entry, where applicable. Pupils must check that these are correct. Some subjects only have one tier of entry, some have Foundation or Higher tiers and Mathematics has Foundation, Intermediate and Higher tiers. Please direct any questions to Mr Graham. If a query is about a particular subject entry, pupils may also wish to speak to the Head of Department or their teacher for that subject.

The Statement of Entry will give pupils the dates for your exams. These should be noted carefully.

The Statement of Entry will contain a four-digit Candidate Number. Pupils should memorise this number – they will need to enter it on ALL their forthcoming exam papers. Pupils will also need to know the school’s Centre Number which is 71673.

Candidates may also receive Statements of Entry from the Exam Boards.  They must check everything on their Statements of Entry very carefully. Particularly check that all personal details (date of birth, spelling of names) are accurate as these will appear on certificates and it may be difficult to change them once certificates are awarded.

Statements of Entry will be issued to GCSE candidates in March.


Each candidate has a four-digit candidate number. This is the number pupils will enter on examination papers.  It will appear next to their name on seating plans and examination registers. Pupils should learn this number.


In addition to a candidate number, each candidate must have a Unique Candidate Identifier (12 numbers and 1 letter) which is shown on the top of Statements of Entry.  This number will usually begin with the Centre Number (71673) unless pupils have transferred from another school that had already issued your UCI.  The UCI is used for administration purposes and it is not necessary for pupils to remember it. 


Pupils will receive an individual timetable showing their own specific examinations with details of date, time, and duration of exam.  They should check it carefully.  If they think something is wrong, they should speak to Mr Graham immediately.

A few candidates have a clash where two subjects are timetabled at the same time.  The school will make special timetable arrangements for these candidates only.  Pupils must check their individual timetable and see Mr Graham if they are unsure what to do.


It is essential that school has at least one up-to-date contact number for parents / guardians in the case of an emergency during an examination.


Pupils must make sure they have all the correct equipment before their examinations.  This is detailed in the During the Examinations section.

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