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As Programmes of Study move towards Computer Science  and computational thinking ather than ICT, we have developed a programme for the Year 8 pupils which we hope will prepare them for these changes.

We start off with the package “Scratch” which we hope most pupils will be familiar with. As well as following sequences of programming instructions, pupils will be introduced to programming language such as “algorithms” and “debugging”. Throughout the year pupils will be introduced to computer language so that they become familiar with many common terms.

Having learned the importance of both planning and evaluating any work which is completed, we further develop our computer skills in the creation of a simple website. By using the “Go Berserk” programme pupils will use HTML to create their own website.

HTML is a precise language and pupils will have been given the opportunity to experiment with code. Our third project aims to develop a deeper understanding of coding. Pupils will be using our “Raspberry Pi” devices along with the following programming languages:

  • “Python” to control an on-screen turtle 

  • “Scratch GPIO” to control a set of traffic lights.

Finally we will be using our BBC Microbits. A simple code editor can be used to control the LEDs, but there is scope for more advanced coding with MicroPython.

Throughout the year, pupils will also participate in an E-safety programme. This will look at how we use computers safely, how we can protect ourselves while using them and what to do if we feel uncomfortable about anything.


Currently our pupils are following the CCEA programme of study for ICT. This is divided into 3 sections:

  • Unit 1 Controlled Assessment which is made up of 3 tasks

  • Unit 2 Controlled Assessment which is made up of 2 tasks

  • Unit 3 Theory

All 5 Controlled Assessment tasks contribute to 60% of the overall marks for the course, while the remaining 40% is awarded through one written paper completed at the end of Year 12.


Pupils will be given the opportunity to develop further skills outside of the classroom. Raspberry Pi devices and Microbits will be available for pupils to use at lunch time. Tutorials will be provided for tasks which had not previously been completed during class time, but it is hoped that pupils will use their own imagination, creativity and ingenuity to astonish us all.

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